Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Beginnings and Endings

Flowers are a beautiful symbol for me of beginnings and endings. They come and go without fanfare. They simply ARE! When they're in bloom I treasure them. When they're gone I remember them, and look forward to what the next season will bring.

My life is going through a similar cycle these days. I'm experiencing the death of old ideas and ways and making room for new growth, a new flowering of thoughts and feelings and behaviors that are part of this season of my life. Like the flowers in these pots, I'm blooming where I've been planted--and loving it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Nothing Like a Good Hug!

I'm still basking in the light of my birthday weekend with my sister June and daughters Julie (pictured here) and Erin. I said good-bye to Julie who lives in Ohio and though it was time for her to return to her family, I felt a loss. At one time not so long ago, I was the 'family' to whom she returned after being away. But now she has a husband and five children of her own and she must look forward, not backward. And so her hugs are of special significance to me. They don't last long in the flesh but they can last for a very long time in one's memory--a sign of a deep loved shared and a moment of intimacy experienced that transcends words. Environmentalists (of which I am one) suggest we hug a tree. I have done that on many an occasion--but there is nothing like the hug of a daughter you love and miss every day.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me! (Oh no! Seven-O)

Today I turned 70! But I celebrated early by going to San Francisco with my sister June and my two daughters, Julie and Erin, for an all-girls' weekend, April 4-6. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. I can't imagine a better time. We laughed, talked, stayed up late, slept in, ate wonderful food, rode the trolley, walked city streets, and saw a play, etc. It was truly special.

I feel blessed to be good friends with my adult children and with my sister. This is one of the great rewards of growing up and growing old by God's grace. I simply want to enjoy them, love them, and share life with them. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of family and friendship.