Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Gift of Silence

Over the weekend I had laryngitis. I jumped on the Internet to find out what was the best treatment. Rest (meaning NO talking or whispering), lots of warm liquids and watery foods, gargling with salt water, and keeping the air in my bedroom moist with a vaporizer. A big fruit salad was my reward each day. During this quiet time I learned to appreciate the gift of gab. I had to stop myself from answering the phone or initiating a vocal conversation with my husband or children. Thank heaven for Facebook, Twitter, and telephone texting. But even moreso, for the space and time to be still and know that God is--and to trust that all things (including my voice) would be made new by his grace. And today all things are. I'm speaking again out loud but remembering that silence is also a gift I haven't always appreciated until now.


At 5:06 PM , Blogger limbolady said...

Oh, Karen, I sympathize. I was student teaching and had my mentor come to critique my teaching while I had laryngitis a few years back-AGH! What does it say about us that we have such a hard time keeping our mouths shut, anyway? ;)

At 10:42 PM , Blogger Sushma Harish said...

Take Care. Karen. You need your vocals on high spirits for the 8th of April.
Again as always I was touched by the writing. Your way of writing- nice.


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